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The End tour

I considere myself a fortune guy cause i saw a lot of bands like metallica, pearl jam, the wailers, new order,pixies johnny marr, morrissey, misfits among others, i enjoy music concerts a lot so i try to save money to at least go one great concert in the year, last week i saw Charly Garcia so feel very happy!.
One of the concerts that i remember with a lot of affection was the Black Sabath concert of the end tour (they say it would be the last world tour they would do), it was a massive concert in 2016 at the "Estadio nacional", it was a lot of people who want to see the last concert of black sabbath in Chile with their original formation, i was very exciting on the waiting line, i could finally see black sabbath with the prince of darkness Ozzy Osbourne !.
Inside with my friends we drinked some beers to weather the heat and to wait the start of the concert, when the concert started we begined to jump and get inside the mosh pits to get closer to the stage, it was very hard to get to the first line there were a lot of big fat metalheads haha but we get closer a lot.
It was a legendary concert with a lot of energy, fire flames, fireworks and a great setlist.
Now i can die quietly, black sabbath showed me how sounds hell hahaha.


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